US Wisconsin Milwaukee
Software Engineer
Full Time
1 Year 3 Months
(April 2022 ~ June 2023)
I worked on integrating newly acquired products to company user and customer management.
We used Jira for task management and GitLab for managing source code
AgencyMatrix is an Insurance product and written by PHP Phalcon Framework and Laravel. Uses MySQL.
I worked on integrating AgencyMatrix to Zywave Auth.
To be able to work in AgencyMatrix, I used Kubernetes with Helm Charts.
Turborater is also an Insurance product by used tens of thousands of agencies. Turborater is written .Net Framework and .Net Core. Same as AgencyMatrix we made integration to Zywave Auth.
.NET C#Node.js on AWS LambdaPHP Phalcon Framework and LaravelMySQLMicrosoft SQL ServerRedisGitLabJiraMicroservicesWeb APIAgile ScrumDockerKubernetesRancher Desktop